The 2008 Foray will be held on Sunday, August 10th. It is now at full capacity, so unfortunately we will not be able to accommodate additional applicants. If you are going to be here on Sunday and would like some ideas about places to collect on your own, or for other possible activities, drop a comment in the box and I will try to help.
Barrie Overton from Lock Haven University is handling the site arrangements. The site will be at Lock Haven's Sieg Conference Center, a field site nestled in the mountains about 25 miles from campus.
The site is located here on Google Maps. The surrounding area consists of typical mixed eastern mixed deciduous forest, dominated by hemlock, maple, oak and pine.
We will leave for the Sieg Center at 8 AM. After a morning of collecting, we will have lunch, and the option for a bit more collecting before a final departure at about 2:30 PM. This should get you back in time to get ready for the welcome reception, which starts at 5 PM.
We will have a mycological lab setup in Buckhout Lab on campus after the foray, and will make it available during the evenings. There will be microscopes available as well as some basic supplies.